CSL Distinguished Lecture Series

The Coordinated Science Laboratory’s Distinguished Visitor Program provides an opportunity for internationally acclaimed senior researchers and promising mid-career researchers, from academia and industry, come to campus and interact with CSL faculty and students on novel, innovative, interdisciplinary research topics for an extended period of time.

CSL Distinguished Visitors focus on research in all levels of information technology and telecommunications infrastructure in such areas as high-assurance computing, wireless mobile networking, the design and reliability of microchips and transistors, coding, cryptography and information security, decision and control, fiber optics, nanotechnology, thin film electronics and supercomputing. 

This world-class status is reflected in the type of visitors that CSL brings to campus through this program. During their stay, visiting researchers attend seminars and discussions and collaborate with faculty and students. They also offer lectures on all levels of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure. It's a time for exploring ideas, sharing cultures, and stretching imaginations.

Speaker Year
George Moustakides 2014
Roger W. Brockett 2013
Magnus Egerstedt 2013
Prakash Narayan 2013
Alan Orlitsky 2010
Roberto Tempo 2009
Charlie Sodini 2009
Mani Chandy 2009
William A. Wulf 2009
Don Towsley 2007
Dimitri Bertsekas 2006
W. M. Wonham 2005
Witold Respondek 2004
Martin Vetterli 2003
Brian Anderson 2003
Toby Berger 2002